The Summer of Love Experience at the deYoung Fine Arts Museum in San Francisco is of major importance to our rapidly growing market! Here's why:
We are still digesting everything we witnessed at the Summer of Love Experience that is on display at the deYoung Fine Arts Museum in San Francisco through August 20, 2017. First, let's talk about the exhibit itself.
The Summer of Love Experience is without a doubt the finest museum exhibition dedicated to the historical importance of 1960's art, music, fashion and politics ever created!

This exhibit is truly breathtaking in it's size, scope, ambitions and unparalleled professionalism. Over the years, we have enthusiastically reported on major museum exhibits that have regularly popped up around the the United States. We have explained that these exhibits bring newfound respect and exposure for the posters that we all lovingly collect and admire. These exhibits have all been hugely important, but this exhibit is 10 times better than any that have come before it.
The Summer of Love Experience runs through August 20, 2017. We HIGHLY recommend that as a reader of this blog, you strongly consider investing the time and money needed to see this with your very own eyes, even if you are from out of town. You will NOT be disappointed and a thorough review of the exhibit can easily take up a couple of hours.
We're pleased to report that while this massive exhibit offers very extensive and highly detailed displays of 1960's fashion, and social and political happenings, it is the concerts and music posters from the 1960's that absolutely take center stage and are THE focal point of the exhibit!

Literally hundreds of 1960's posters are beautifully and respectfully presented. A 4 minute movie shows you how these incredible pieces of history were created. Printing plates and artist's original handwritten instructions to the printer are shown and explained.
An entire section of the exhibit is dedicated to The Trips Festival. You can step into a room and see dozens of people mesmerized by Bill Ham's light show! Obviously, 1960's music is played throughout.
Entire sections are also dedicated to The Human Be-In, The Merry Pranksters, Haight Ashbury snd the bands and artists of the era. One of the most impressive displays was of Victor Moscoso's posters shown under the influence of a color wheel, exactly as they were intended to be viewed. Believe me, you have not truly seen a Moscoso concert poster until you have seen it the way it was intended. Absolutely incredible!
The most important thing. Without a doubt, the thing that impressed us the most about this exhibit was the mind boggling size and enthusiasm of the crowds attending. There was around 1000 people at the exhibit during our 3 hour visit.

A back of the envelope calculation leads us to believe that at the very least, half a million people will see this exhibit during it's 4 months of operation. And it would not surprise us if the total attendance exceeds well over 1 million!
It was so clear during our visit that this era, and it's music, art, fashion, and ideals touched people in a way that todays' modern commercialism and way of life does not. For the few hours you spend at the exhibit, you are transported back to a special moment in time and history. The most tangible link to that era is the music, and the most collectible artifact from that era are the posters.
Over the past 2-3 years, we have seen a steady and growing number of new collectors that are fascinated by the fact that you can get a historically important, museum quality poster, issued in extremely tiny quantities, for far less than the dreck offered at the "Art Gallery" in your local shopping mall.
And even more importantly, these posters currently trade for pennies on the dollar when compared to the finest coins, comic books and baseball cards that routinely bring over $1 million each! It's truly exciting to have a poster in your home that was actually displayed in a museum!
Groundbreaking major museum exhibits like this have the same effect as throwing gasoline on a fire. It's obvious this Summer of Love Experience will generate more new collectors of these posters. But more importantly, the massive success of The Summer of Love Experience will serve as an eye opener for other major museums that are always on the lookout for the best way to attract the general public. You can bet there are many more major museum exhibitions to come!
This virtuous cycle assures that the appreciation for these beautiful and rare works of art will continue to grow with each passing year.
To see the de Young's online exhibit, click here.
To buy the Summer of Love Experience museum catalog (HIGHLY recommended!), click here.
To read the San Francisco Examiner review, click here.