For those of you that were unable to attend this week’s Long Beach Coin and Collectibles Show, we thought it would be best to report on the goings ons by using the words of other people that visited us at Table 411. “I’m glad you guys are doing this!”

That was the quote from one of the world’s top collectibles experts and dealers with 40 plus years of experience that includes a stint as co-owner of a major rock and roll collectibles business. Why did he say this? Because he understood that Vintage Concert Posters have widespread appeal, are historically important and are far rarer and much cheaper than most other collectibles. He was impressed by the CGC third party authentication and grading and thought the packaging also made it far easier to handle and store the posters in perfect condition. “You guys are really ambitious being here!
This was said by one of the world’s top coin dealers who was impressed with the non stop line of people in front of our table who wanted to view our inventory, learn about CGC authentication and grading and sign up for our email list and auctions. Thousands of collectors attended the show over 3 days and we added scores to our mailing list! “I totally get it, I’m in!”
This was said by a multi millionaire who is also a world class coin collector. He is in his late 60’s, grew up in the era, saw the concerts and now wants to jump into this market now that third party CGC grading is a reality. He’s been in the collectibles trenches forever, has made fortunes “playing” with his hobby and sees this new emerging market as ripe with opportunity. “It’s great to finally meet you in person!”
This was not said by one person, but by all the customers that came out to see us to both buy and sell. It’s always great to put a face with a name, review our inventory in person, buy posters that have been put away by our clients for decades, and share the many nuances and bits of information that we have to share with our clientele.
In conclusion, we exhibited at this show with the goal of exposing these incredible artworks and third party grading to the thousands of people that are already buying, selling and trading certified collectibles on a daily basis. To be honest, we didn’t know quite what to expect at the start of the event. We were blown away by the outpouring of interest and support and it was wonderful to meet the people in person that we so often communicate with over the phone and through email. It was a tremendous success and something we will continue to do in the future!