Every collector should be aware of this lucrative short term opportunity to acquire certain Vintage Concert Posters at a significant discount.

The famous Aoxomoxoa concert poster is just one of hundreds that are too large to be currently submitted to CGC for third party grading and authentication
It is now common knowledge in the collecting world that the marketplace for Vintage Concert Posters has received a huge injection of interest and new participants with the introduction of independent third party grading and authentication by CGC.
CGC is the very same organization that has graded literally billions of dollars of rare coins, paper money and comic books over the past 30 years.
CGC has changed many of the market dynamics, many of which have been examined recently in past articles on this blog. These changing dynamics include an increased focus on quality and originality (posters that have not been altered through restoration), and a commensurate increase in values for the same.
Today, we wish to make you aware of a brand new opportunity that involves acquiring posters that have NOT been graded by CGC, an opportunity that is quite lucrative and won’t last for very long.
Currently, the list of posters that CGC authenticates and grades is relatively limited. First and foremost, there is a size limitation of 15”x 23” or smaller. This is the largest size poster that CGC can currently fit into their airtight, archival holders.
Secondly, there are category limitations. CGC currently grades the following posters: The BG Fillmore Series, the FD Family Dog series, Grande ballroom posters, and posters that appear in The Art of Rock. While these posters represent a large group of the entire universe, there is still a huge number of posters that CGC does not grade including many very desirable and classic images and series.
Some of the posters that CGC does NOT currently grade include: the oversized Fillmore issues, the Kaleidoscope series, the Vulcan Gas Series, The Rock Garden Series, The Grateful Dead Translucent poster, the Aoxomoxoa and Hawaiian Aoxomoxoa posters the Beatles Candlestick poster,the original Acid Test Poster, The Vanessa Grande poster, the Trip or Freak poster, and hundreds of other rare and desirable posters.
Good News for Collectors of Vintage Concert Posters!
We have just received notification from CGC that a larger holder is under development and will be introduced this year. This is obviously great news for collectors that wish to collect posters that are not currently graded by CGC, but want the confidence that third party grading and authentication offers.
More importantly, this announcement represents a major opportunity for the savvy collector that has the wherewithal to act when they understand what is going on around them. Let me explain:
As early as spring, 2009, we have implored collectors to acquire 100% original posters with no restoration, in the highest possible condition they could locate and afford. You can review past issues of our blog, and see dozens of articles on this yourself.
Our prescient advice is a matter of public record. Some of the first posts on this subject can be found here:
Our logic was simple. In other collectibles, the very best condition examples ALWAYS trade for 25x, 50x, or 100X the cost of a run of the mill example. At that time, you could buy the very best condition pieces for a small premium of 25-50%. We knew this was a situation that could not and would not continue. We also mentioned that it was only a matter of time before third party authentication and grading would revolutionize this marketplace.
Those collectors that have acted our advice, are very happy today. They have built collections comprised of posters that are a) much harder to find today, b)more expensive to acquire today.
We believe the same opportunity is presenting itself all over again right now! A huge variety of Vintage Concert Posters can be now acquired for significantly less than they will probably bring once they are eligible for CGC grading.
Only this time, the timing and payoff for the opportunity is much more certain. CGC grading is now a reality, more posters will become eligible for CGC grading in the coming months, and we have already seen prices rise for posters that have been graded by CGC! (Although current premiums for CGC posters of 1.5x-2x compared to non CGC posters, are still incredibly tiny compared to all other collectbles. Where you can expect to pay 10-20x or much more for the finest condition examples).
So our advice at this time is clear – and urgent. It’s absolutely okay to pursue posters that have NOT been graded by CGC. Buy the highest quality condition posters you can locate and afford now, before they become eligible for CGC grading in the coming months. Just make sure authenticity is guaranteed and that there is no undisclosed restoration.
If you follow this advice, and the past is any guide, you will be rewarded with the ownership of a poster, or collection of posters that could cost a lot more to acquire in the future!