As has been previously discussed, the collector base for 1960’s concert posters is growing exponentially, on a worldwide basis. The single biggest contributor to this growth is the Internet.

Now, any collector can research, discover and purchase posters from the comfort of their own home or office! But the rise of the Internet has also given rise to one of our greatest frustrations which is this: There is no way to accurately portray the awe inspiring beauty of these artworks in a 1 inch by 2 inch thumbnail photo! And a blowup to a larger image on a computer screen is just marginally better.
This prohibits many new potential buyers from actually jumping into the marketplace because they are making a purchase decision without understanding how powerful the experience is of actually seeing these posters in person.
Let me back track many, many years ago to when I first got interested in this amazing hobby. When I first started out, I tried to follow my own advice. I bought the books, perused the auction catalogs (they were still printed then) and did my research.
But it wasn’t until I made my first purchase, and received the poster in the mail that I became hooked. The poster in real life was 500 times more impressive than all the photos combined that I had seen on-line and in print. I still remember the surge of excitement I felt when I opened that package and held the poster in my hands. To put it bluntly, it simply blew me away! These posters are 1000 times more impressive to hold, view and display than the coins and stamps I was used to collecting. And I honestly replay this movie in my mind with total clarity, on a regular basis.
Which brings me to my next piece of advice. If you are a “Newbie” reading this, and considering the hobby, buy a poster…. ANY poster. In our store and in our auctions we have posters for less than $100.00. Get the poster and hold it in your hands. It will take mere seconds for you to understand what all the excitement is about. And you can also send the poster back for a full refund, if that’s what you choose to do.
Better yet, if you live on the east coast, come visit our Gallery. The hundreds of posters on display are a real treat to see. And we opened the Gallery so we could display these rarities on something bigger than a computer screen. Together, we can review the myriad of opportunities that we see in the marketplace today. So make some time and pay us a visit, we look forward to seeing you soon!